Today's End Time generation is now poised to witness the 'start' of the Biblically foretold final Tribulation. It will be the most horrendous period in human history with the final 3 1/2 years of Great Tribulation being the absolute worst nightmare on earth, "ever". [Math.24:21].
At the 'start' of the 7 Year Tribulation then a global implosion will immediately occur in every facet of life, in this physical earth and in society worldwide. The body of believers worldwide will be the exception to this as they will arise in unity, power, uprightness before God and great insight [Dan.11:33] until their 'number... should be completed' during the first 3 1/2 years as shown in Revelation. [Rev.6:11].
Later, the 'mystery of God is finished' [and 'completed'] within the first 3 1/2 year period [Rev.10:7] as the virtual last soul to accept Christ will do so just before the rapture takes place. This last soul's acceptance of Christ will occur 'in the days of the voice of the 7th angel when he is about to sound' the FINAL AND 7th TRUMPET as shown within the FIRST 3 1/2 years in Rev. 10:7 and Rev. 11:15. Without question, this is the accurate 'timing' of the rapture of the church [not day or hour] as I have presented exhaustively in 'Here is Wisdom.' [ Chapt 13 ].
The 'start' of the final 7 Year Tribulation period is imminent for today's generation. Revelation's chronology specifically shows that billions of people will be 'killed' just within the first 3 1/2 years of the Tribulation.
Any talk from today's preachers who say that there will be a 'temporary peace' during the FIRST HALF of the 7 Year Tribulation period is exactly opposite the scriptures and the book of Revelation. In fact, SOON AFTER the Tribulation begins, Revelation specifically states that 'peace will be taken from the earth'. [Rev.6:4].
The source of peace on earth, is the present of the Holy spirit. 2 Thessalonians 2:7, clearly point that, the Holy spirit still holds back the man of lawlessness and his evil act. And will continue to do so, until He is taken out of the way. Taking the Holy Spirit out of the way means The rapture of the Church.
Revelation 4:1 After this, i looked and there before me was a standing open door in heaven. And the voice i first heard speaking to me like a trumpet said, 'Come up here, and i will show you what must take place after this.' After this, in this Bible verse means after an event and that event is the rapture of the church... In the previous chapter before chapter four, the revelation was centered on Christ and His beloved Church. Then in chapter four apostle John said, after this, The voice that spoke to him also said after this. It therefore implies that the event of Revelation 6: will take place immediately after the rapture. No man can ever have peace in the absent of the Holy Spirit
Rev. 6:8 states that 'a fourth of the earth' will be killed soon after the Tribulation begins. Of today's 6.7 billion people on earth that means about 1.6 billion persons will soon die, leaving about 5.1 billion. Soon after that, Rev. 9:15 states that another 'third of mankind' will be killed.
Overall, these numbers mean that in the next coming years after the Tribulation begins, that a total of several billion people will die, leaving roughly 3.4 billion people on earth. In conclusion, roughly HALF of today's world population will die just within the first 3 1/2 years of the Tribulation. As horrific as this sounds, it will most definitely take place. Without question, this generation will shortly witness it.
Rev.6:8 specifically states the causes of a fourth of the earth dying to be by 'the sword and with famine and with pestilence and by the wild beasts of the earth.'
'By the sword' means that global killing and murdering will soon explode in all walks of life. This includes from small wars within a nation and even against other nations, to terrorist-type of killings like we see today, organized crime, and even extending to anarchy and killings in the neighborhood streets.
This 'sword' is first mentioned in Rev. 6:4 in conjunction with 'peace being taken from the earth' immediately inside the 7 Year Tribulation. This same verse also states that
'men should slay one another; and a great sword was given to him.'
Quicky after a fourth of the earth's population is killed, then another 'third of mankind' will also be killed during this first 3 1/2 year period as shown in Revelation 9:15 and verse 18.
This will occur when God Himself "releases" the 4 angels [of God] which have been 'bound at the great River Euphrates'. [Rev. 9:14]. Once they are released, then a 'third of mankind is killed' by the ensuing 'plagues' as the result. [Rev. 9:15,18]. As a sidenote, since the Euphrates River flows down the middle of Iraq then most likely the whole Iraq-Iran region will be the first to receive the onslaught of these exploding plagues.
The 3 plagues themselves are directly related to the bottomless pit which will have been opened [Rev.9:2] during the first 3 1/2 years causing the air to become literally so toxic that 'the sun and the air were darkened by the smoke of the pit.' [Rev.9:2]. Literally, just breathing the air will result in a third of mankind's death as indicated repeatedly in Revelation. [Rev. 9: 2,15, 18].
As previously stated, at that point just ahead in this generation about 3.4 billion persons will be left alive on earth during just the first 3 1/2 years of the 7 Year Tribulation period. The Great Tribulation to follow is worse.
For believers all over the world who see these things today then the Lord's own words are the greatest comfort saying: 'But when these things begin to take place, then straighten up and lift up your heads! Because your Redeemer is drawing near!' [Luke 21:28].
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