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What is Sin? The Existence of Sin in Human race


Sin means Satanic In Nature. In the beginning, sin existed before the creation of man and other creatures that live on Earth, that is sin only came through man to the world due to man disobedient to the instructions of God concerning the forbidden fruit.

Man was created in God likeness (Genesis 1:27), man was created with a well defined purposes and functionalities (Genesis 1:28-31). It was expected of man to carry out the functionalities God assigned to him in accordance to God instructions and rules.

The Coming of Sin into the World and the experience of Sin in Human race

Man was created without sin, for some divine purposes and in the likeness of God, but was cut off from these purposes and privileges as the result of sin. In this lesson, we are going to examine how man fell into sin as recorded in the Holy Bible (Genesis 3:1-6)
Genesis 3 vs 1:

NOW THR SERPENT WAS MORE SUBTLE THAN ANY BEAST OF THE FIELD WHICH THE LORD HAD MADE. The word subtle as used in this verse had no negative meaning but rather positive; everything created by God before the fall of man and before the coming of Sin was all positive. Subtle describes qualities such as quickness to sight, swiftness of motion, activity of self-preservation, and seemingly intelligent adaptation to it’s surroundings. Living creatures especially the animals had the ability of limited speech, they used to interacts with Man, so Eve did not seem surprised when the serpent spoke to her. Though the serpent was used by the Evil one (The Satan) to questioned the Word of God by saying HAS GOD SAID, YOU SHALL NOT EAT EVERY TREE OF THE GARDEN ?

Genesis 3: 2-3 (Eve response).

Eve responded to the serpent by quoting from what the Lord had said about the prohibition, but she then added “neither shall you touch it” the additional statement made by Eve gave the Serpent a hope of victory.
Genesis 3:4-5
The Serpent denied the Word of God as preached to Adam, the Serpent preached a now word to Eve by saying “ You shall not surely die, for God does know that in the day you eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened (suggesting the attainment of higher wisdom), and you shall be as gods, knowing good and evils”. Eve failed to understand that God is Omniscient, meaning that God knowledge of evil is thorough, but not by personal experience. By His nature, God is totally separate from all that is evil.

The knowledge of evil that Adam and Eve learnt was by moral degration, which brought wreckage. Be careful when desiring to be like God, while it is proper to desire to be like God, it is proper only if done in the right way and that is through Faith in Christ Jesus. Eve was only concerned with the desire to be like God without considering the fact that she was created in God likeness, thus she is like God already, man as an image of God needs not to desire to be like God.

What actually made Adam and Eve to eat the forbidden fruit ?

Genesis 3:6
When Eve saw that the tree was good for food (This present the lust of the eyes) and that is pleasant to the eyes (the lust of the flesh ) and the tree to be desired to make one wise (the pride of life ), she took of the fruit thereof and eat and gave also to her husband with her he did eat. Adam ate the forbidden fruit which Eve offered him not because of love but this verse refers to that facts that evidently Adam was an observer to all proceedings that happened between Eve and the Serpent. Eve submitted to the temptation out of deception but Adam was not deceived but he fell because of unbelief, he really do not believed on the instructions given by God to him concerning the forbidden fruit.

In Conclusion Eve fell due to the following deceptions.
The lust of the flesh
The lust of the eyes
The pride of life.
Adam fell because of his unbelief, that is not believing on the instructions giving to him by God.
Sin brought death to all man kind.
Sin separate man from God.
Sin kill.
Sin destroy.

We now have victory of Sins through Faith in Christ Jesus.
