THE LITTLE HORN OF DANIEL 7 WE ARE STARTING A NEW STUDY THAT BRINGS MORE LIGHT TO PARTICULAR PARTS OF DANIEL'S PROPHESY.. IN OTHER WORDS WE ARE DIGGING DEEP TO FIND THE SPECIFIC PLAYERS IN THE END TIME BEAST SPOKEN ABOUT IN EZEKIEL, DANIEL AND REVELATION.. WHICH WE PRAY WILL MAKE IT EASIER FOR YOU TO READ THESE BOOK AND UNDERSTAND THE LORD'S WARNING MAY GOD ADD A BLESSING TO THE READING OF HIS WORD... AMEN LET US GET STARTED The Little Horn of Daniel: What is it? Can we accurately identify it? Does history once again prove prophecy authentic? And before even considering what this little horn entails, how does prophecy define a “horn?” We need to know this because the Word states that, "no prophecy of the Scripture is of any private interpretation." in 2 Peter 1"20. That means I can in no way tell you my opinion of what a prophetic symbol means in prophecy. I must allow the Bible to identify them. By the way, this is an easy way to expose false prophets...
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